About APACS Awards
Advance of Catalysis Award and Outstanding Researcher Award
The Asian-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (APACS) will present two awards at the APCAT - the Advance of Catalysis Award, and Outstanding Researcher Award. All nominations should be submitted to the Secretary of the APACS by email. The recipients of these awards will be selected by the APACS Awards Committee. All recipients will be invited to present lectures at the current APCAT.
1) Description of Awards:
a. Advance of Catalysis Award: A certificate with 3000$ for the awardee, presented a Plenary Lecture at the current APCAT, for his or her advanced contribution to catalysis science and technology.
b. Outstanding Researcher Award: 3000$ for two awardees, each with a certificate and 1500$ presented a Keynote Lecture at the current APCAT, for his or her outstanding contribution to catalysis science and technology. The awardees should be less than 45 years old by the time of the current APCAT.
2) Nomination Procedure
Nominations can be submitted in either ways, (a) through the National Society of Catalysis which is a member of APACS, or (b) by the Council member of the APACS.
Nomination of the awards should include a critical evaluation of the significance of the nominee's published work, as well as a statement about the particular contribution on which the nomination is based. Nominations should also include the nominee's qualifications, accomplishments and biography. Nomination documents, along with two letters of support, should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to the Secretary of the APACS. Also, a curriculum vita of the nominee is needed. The recipient will be required to give a lecture on her/his research as part of the current APCAT.
3) Selection of Award Recipients
Selection of the award recipients will be made by an International Committee composed of renowned scientists or engineers. This Committee will be appointed by the President of the Asian-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (APACS).
Catalysis Development Excellence Award
The Asian-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (APACS) will present Catalysis Development Excellence Award at the APCAT. All nominations should be submitted to the Secretary of the APACS by email. The recipients of these awards will be selected by the APACS Awards Committee. All recipients will be invited to present lectures at the current APCAT.
1) Description of Award:
Catalysis Development Excellence Award: A certificate for seven awardees, presented a Special Invited Lecture at the current APCAT, for his or her excellent catalyst development.
2) Nomination Procedure
Nominations can be submitted in either ways, (a) through the National Society of Catalysis which is a member of APACS, or (b) by the Council member of the APACS.
Nomination of the awards should include a critical evaluation of the significance of the nominee's published work, as well as a statement about the particular contribution on which the nomination is based. Nominations should also include the nominee's qualifications, accomplishments and biography. Nomination documents, along with two letters of support, should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to the Secretary of the APACS. Also, a curriculum vita of the nominee is needed. The recipient will be required to give a lecture on her/his research as part of the current APCAT.
3) Selection of Award Recipients
Selection of the award recipients will be made by an International Committee composed of renowned scientists or engineers. This Committee will be appointed by the President of the Asian-Pacific Association of Catalysis Societies (APACS).